Did You Know About This Energy & Money-Saving Tip?

Have you ever thought about "Going Green" but aren't sure where to start? One of the most common methods of energy conservation is to install solar panels on your roof. Take a drive through any residential neighborhood and you're bound to see at least one of these eco-friendly homes.

One of the major long-term draws for installing a solar panel system is something called Net Metering. If your solar panels produce more energy than you use, your state may reimburse you! In Missouri, the extra energy left over is sent back to Ameren, and they'll issue a credit to you on your energy statement. Not only will you be reducing your carbon footprint, you'll be saving money too!

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the cost of installing solar panels has decreased considerably in the last decade, so now may be a good time to reach out to your local installer for more information.

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